
World’s Largest Car Show Kicks Off in Beijing 世界最大車展在北京揭幕By Daniel Chen, David Lee 【新聞關鍵字】 1. Kick off ph. 開始2. Record [ˋrɛkɚd] adj. 空前的;創紀錄的3. Wild about ph. 熱切的;渴望的4. Cash in on ph. 利用;賺錢5. Versatility [͵vɝsəˋtɪlətɪ] n. 通用性;多用途6. Congestion [kənˋdʒɛstʃən] n. 擁塞7. Soar [sor] v. 猛增8. Premier [ˋprimɪɚ] n. 首位9. Take off ph. 起飛10. Prospect [ˋprɑspɛkt] n. 前景11. Tier [tɪr] n. 階層12. Metropolitan [͵mɛtrəˋpɑlətn] adj. 大都市的The annual Beijing International Automotive Exhibition kicked off on Monday (April 23). A record number of over one thousand vehicles competing for the attention of the world’s biggest auto market. 一年一度的北京國際汽車展覽會在上週一(4月23日)拉開序幕。破紀錄地,有超過一千輛汽車,在這個世界最大的汽車市場競相較勁。 Although China’s economic growth is slowing, the automobile industry is still hopeful. Wealthy Chinese are wild about SUVs, luxury cars, and in the future, many brands hope also green vehicles. 雖然中國的經濟成長正在減緩,汽車工業依然充滿前景。有錢的中國人非常熱衷休旅車和豪華轎車,而且在未來,許多品牌期待有環保汽車。 Lamborghini, hoping to cash in on the Chinese taste for bigger cars, for the first time presented the Urus – a luxury SUV concept car. 藍寶基尼,針對中國人喜好大車的品味,首次推出烏魯斯- 豪華休旅概念車。 Ford is a late-comer to the Chinese market, but is hopeful for its future in the country. 福特是比較晚進軍中國市場的,但對於在該國的未來充滿希望。 Ford Asia chief, Joe

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