Posts Tagged ‘《建築是藝術節2011》Architecture’

主辦:進念.二十面體《建築是藝術節2011》 Presenter: Zuni Icosahedron “Architecture Is Art Festival 2011” 藝術總監:胡恩威Artistic Director: Mathias Woo 兩年一度的「建築是藝術節」,由進念聯合藝術總監胡恩威在2009年策劃,開創把建築結合人文精神為主題的藝術節,推廣一系列有關藝術設計、建築與及城市發展之活動。 「建築是藝術節2011」以「歷史、先鋒、房屋」三個主題出發,從藝術角度重新檢視建築,以不同的藝術形式展視建築的各種藝術可能。 The biennial “Architecture is Art Festival” was initiated and curated by Zuni Icosahedron’s Co-Artistic Director Mathias Woo in 2009. It is the first-ever art festival that links architecture with humanistic spirit as the main theme of the festival, promoting a series of activities on art and design, architecture and urban development. “Architecture is Art Festival 2011” centres around three main themes of “History, Avant-garde, Housing”. The Festival re-examines architecture from an artistic point of view, manifesting various artistic possibilities of architecture with different art forms. 10/11 — 11/12/2011 香港文化中心Hong Kong Cultural Centre 演出Performances: 中國建築100年One Hundred Years of Chinese Architecture 鐵路像記憶一樣長Railway is Like a Long, Winding Recollect 密斯.凡德羅的簡約建築— 神在細節裡面Looking for Mies — God is in the Details BOB*之終極版BOB* The Final Cut 包豪斯的建築設計宣言Bauhaus Manifesto 展覽Exhibitions: 中國火車建築100年One Hundred Years of Chinese Railway & Architecture 火車詩歌計劃— 開往辛亥年的火車The Railway Poetry

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