Posts Tagged ‘Journey’

On March 18, 2011, SDSU IVC hosted the “Journey to China” Scholarship Gala to promote Chinese culture, and raise funds for students who wish to attend the Study Abroad Program in Shanghai, China this summer. More than 350 local socialites and distinguished guests from San Diego attended this event, including SDSU Provost, Nancy Marlin, and Dean of SDSU/IVC, David Pearson. Organized by CI/SDSU, the evening’s entertainment programs had a plethora of cultural themes. One of the highlights for the evening was a fashion show featuring staff members, volunteers from the CI office, and students from IVC. These models showcased the many outfits with beautiful styles that were embellished in genuine ethnic accents and fully embroidered in traditional Chinese pattern. Managing Director of CI/SDSU, Dr. Lilly Cheng, was the emcee for the entire program. Her detailed description of every piece of garment provided an informative insight into the Chinese culture for the audience. Dr. Cheng invited well-known artists from San Diego to participate in the evening entertainments. Lily Ma, a famous Chinese Peking Opera singer, sang a short excerpt from the “Romance from the Western Chamber.” Professor Minghuan Ren performed an erhu solo. And Ken Xiao impressed the crowd with his Chinese calligraphy demonstration. Ken Xiao also sang a duet with Fei Lu, one of the Chinese media representatives from San Diego. A few members from the nearby, touring Sichuan Theater of Opera from Chengdu brought

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