Posts Tagged ‘Shirley’

Arthur Huang says he’s a doer. That means while everyone else is just complaining about the problems, he does something about them. He makes things happen, from concepts and ideas that actually have been around since the 1950s. Arthur makes you believe that he can accomplish anything he puts his hands to. 黃謙智Arthur Huang說自己是一個身體力行者。也就是說當人們對問題在抱怨的時候,他是起而力行解決問題的人。能源永續發展的概念和想法,是從1950年代至今,他是讓事情發生的人物。他會讓您相信,只要他親手去實踐,一定會完成。 黃謙智這名字或許說來陌生,但他的作品卻讓許多人印象深刻。例如用一百五十萬個回收寶特瓶打造的綠建築展館「遠東環生方舟」,不僅在一○年台北國際花卉博覽會上出盡鋒頭、吸引各國媒體採訪,「國家地理頻道」甚至為這個台灣首座寶特瓶建築拍了一部紀錄片。也讓實收資本額不到三千五百萬元的小智研發,躍上世界舞台。一○年、創業後的第六年,小智研發開始獲利,該年度淨利率達一五%,毛利率甚至突破四成。

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