Posts Tagged ‘Street’

道听途”说”:新华社在推销什么? With an estimated budget of seven billion USD, the Chinese government launched a massive external propaganda campaign in 2009 to improve its global image, including buying expensive ad space in markets around the world. In early November 2011, under a billboard in New York City’s Time Square for Xinhua, the Chinese state-controlled news agency, HRIC asked some passers-by on the street, “what is Xinhua selling?” 2009年,中国政府动用了约70亿元的资金,发动大外宣活动来提升自己的国际形象,其中包括购买昂贵的大型广告牌。这是中国政府控制的新闻机构——新华社在纽约时代广场的广告牌。2011年11月初,中国人权询问时代广场的行人:”新华社在推销什么?” http

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