Posts Tagged ‘ManKit’

Dr. Dominic Man-Kit Lam representing China in the first Sino-French Art Exhibition during September 2011 Dr. Dominic Man-Kit Lam was invited to be the key artist representing China in the first Sino-French Art Exhibition held at the National Library of China in Beijing during 19- 21 September 2011. This exhibition was co-sponsored by the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and the French Artist Association which was founded in 1861. This exhibition, being a major artistic exchange between China and France, will have profound effects for enhancing the friendship between Chinese and French artists as well as the understanding between Chinese and French cultures. 林文傑教授代表中國參展首届中國-法國藝術交流展首届中國-法國藝術交流展特别邀請林文傑教授代表中國展出他的作品。是次展覽為中國人民對外友好協會及創於1861年的法國美術家協會合辦,亦是此會首次在華之活動。是次展覽於2011年9月19日假北京中國國家圖書館開幕,對於加深中法兩國藝術家之友誼及中法文化之交流是一個非常重要的契機。

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